Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Flippy Floppys

So I blew out one of my flip flops the other day.  Or as Tommy calls them, flippys.  I called it though before it even happened.  I could see that the material was fraying where it connected to the flop itself, and so I knew it was just a matter of time before the part that goes in between my big toe would snap. And like the suddenness of a broken shoelace, it happened a couple days ago.  It kinda goes that way for lots of things in life.  Sometimes you know that change is coming, and when it finally happens, it’s almost a relief.  

But I really like these flippys, though.  I could probably just throw them away, head to Belize City and tool around trying to find a new pair, but there’s really nothing wrong with what I have, except for the fact that my left one broke.  No problem, I’ll turn this negative into a positive, and make my flippy even better than it was before.  It kinda reminds me of this situation about this guy I know, who lost his job, and instead of looking at it as a bad thing, he used it as a catalyst to fix his world for the better.  I know this for sure, when my other flippy breaks, I know what to do.

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